Welcome! This website will provide you a consistent user experience with faster, direct access to personalized benefits information all in one central location.



Benefits Connection is a secure site and will allow you to access your data only when you log on with your User ID and password.



When you log on, you will see the benefits and options for which you are eligible.

Access Anywhere

Anywhere Access

Manage your benefits package from work or home using the mobile device and internet browser of your choice.

Learn More

Learn More

Research benefits options, easily locate information about existing benefits, and learn what to do if you have a Qualified Life Event.


Important Note

For User ID, please enter your  Employee ID as 11 digit number.  For example, if your Employee ID is 1234567, you would enter 00001234567.

First Time Here?

  • The first time you log on, you will be prompted to set up a password and set your answers to the security questions.
  • You will then be able to access the site from any computer by typing in the address and entering your User ID and password.
  • If you forget your password, click “Forgot Password.” You will be prompted to answer your security questions and will be able to create a new password.